Effective communication and coordination between Emergency Responders and Ameren Illinois is important for successful management of pipeline incidents.
Gas Odor (Indoor or Outdoor)
In addition to the classic rotten-egg odor, gas leaks can have a hissing sound, or appear as dirt blowing or water bubbling. First responders who suspect a natural gas leak should leave the building immediately and call Ameren Illinois at 1.800.767.8048. Follow these tips to keep yourself and others safe:
- If the odor of natural gas is present, evacuate yourself and others nearby.
- Do not turn on/off lights, use the phone or operate anything that could cause a spark.
- Do not open windows or doors to ventilate the property until all sources of ignition and fuel are removed.
- Do not operate underground or regulator station valves.
Contact Ameren Illinois (or the appropriate utility serving that location) to disconnect electric and phone service to eliminate ignition sources. Disconnections will be done remotely.
Severed Natural Gas Line or Blowing Gas
- Evacuate the area immediately and then contact Ameren Illinois at 1.800.767.8048 from a safe location.
- While maintaining a safe distance, determine wind direction and position yourself so that the wind is not blowing towards you.
- Check nearby buildings, sewers and manholes. Remove manhole covers if natural gas is detected. Contact the railroad company and request that trains not approach the area. Evacuate and barricade the area. Eliminate ignition sources.
- Do not attempt to stop natural gas flow by bending or squeezing pipe, or other physical means. Ignition from static or another spark may occur.
- A natural gas fire that is not endangering life or property should be allowed to burn until the flow of gas can be controlled by Ameren Illinois personnel.
Transmission Pipeline Rupture
- Evacuate the area immediately and then contact Ameren Illinois at 1.800.767.8048 from a safe location.
- Keep a safe distance from the rupture. The potential impact radius may be up to 550 feet depending on the size of the pipe and the gas pressure in the pipeline.
- A gas fire that is not endangering life or property should be allowed to burn until the flow of gas can be controlled by Ameren Illinois personnel. Control secondary fires caused by the gas ignition only if it is safe to do so.
- Register online at www.NPMS.PHMSA.DOT.gov to access information regarding the location of local transmission pipelines, the products being transported and emergency numbers of pipeline operators.
Carbon Monoxide
- Ameren Illinois is not the first responder for carbon monoxide (CO) dangers. However, if you need our assistance, please contact us at 1.800.767.8048.
- If anyone is ill with flu-like symptoms and they suspect CO poisoning, Ameren Illinois advises customers to vacate the premises, get help ventilating the structure and then contact a qualified HVAC contractor to repair the malfunctioning appliance.
For more detailed information about structural fires, downed lines and storm safety, equipment placement for broken poles and downed lines, vehicle accidents, or more contacts and resources, download an electronic guide here: